MicroBoards Technology Computer Hardware Flash Duplicator User Manual |
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5
What’s Included.............................................................................................................. 5
Installation........................................................................................................................... 5
Loading and Unloading Flash Cards................................................................................... 5
USB Flash....................................................................................................................... 5
Main Menu Flowchart......................................................................................................... 7
Main Menu.......................................................................................................................... 8
Copy................................................................................................................................ 8
Asynchronous Duplication.......................................................................................... 8
Asyn Hold Time Setting ............................................................................................. 8
Synchronous Duplication............................................................................................ 9
Compare.......................................................................................................................... 9
Copy & Compare............................................................................................................ 9
Information ..................................................................................................................... 9
Card Info..................................................................................................................... 9
System Info................................................................................................................. 9
Press the OK button to view the Controller model, the Buffer size, and the Firmware
version of the duplicator. ................................................................................................ 9
Utility............................................................................................................................ 10
Measure Speed.......................................................................................................... 10
Media Check............................................................................................................. 10
Quick Erase............................................................................................................... 10
Full Erase .................................................................................................................. 10
System Update .......................................................................................................... 10
Setup Menu Flowchart...................................................................................................... 10
Setup Menu................................................................................................................... 10
Setup Menu................................................................................................................... 11
Startup Menu............................................................................................................. 11
Copy Area................................................................................................................. 11
Button Beep .............................................................................................................. 11
Asyn Hold Time........................................................................................................ 11
Ignore Size ................................................................................................................ 11
Asynchronous ........................................................................................................... 11
Language................................................................................................................... 11
Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions........................................................... 12
Specifications.................................................................................................................... 13
Contact Information.......................................................................................................... 13
Appendix 1: List of Functions ......................................................................................... 13
The Copywriter Flash Duplicator allows you to make fast copies of USB flash cards. This series
is available in 3, 7, or 11 copy configuration.
What’s Included
When unpacking your Copywriter Flash Duplicator system, the following items should be
Copywriter Flash Duplicator
Users Manual (this document) and Starter Kit
Power Cord
If any of these items are missing, please contact your distributor or Microboards Technology
Technical Support:
United States
PH: 952-556-1639
FAX: 952-556-1628
PH: +44 (0) 845 230 7800
PH: 03-3561-2266
Please have the Model and Serial Number of your Copywriter Flash Duplicator available when
contacting Technical Support.
Connect the power cable to the Copywriter Flash Duplicator and plug in to a
protected power outlet strip or UPS power supply.
Turn on power to the duplicator.
The system will go through initialization and then display: 1. Copy.
The system is now ready to use.
Loading and Unloading Flash Cards
You should never unload any card that is in use by the duplicator. If the green LED above the
port is flashing, the card is in use.
USB Flash
To load USB flash cards, slide the card into the port. If it does not slide in easily, flip the USB
card over and try again.
To unload USB flash cards, simply pull them out of the port.
Hardware Description
Controller Interface
and Display
Recorder Ports
(all ports below the first
row are also recorder
Copywriter USB
11 Flash
Power Switch
The Copywriter Flash Duplicator consists of a reader port, 3, 7, or 11 flash drive ports and
Controller module.
The master card will always be inserted into the TOP LEFT port, which is outlined.
The blank cards will always be inserted into the remaining ports.
The green LEDs above each port will flash when in use or will stay solid green after a successful
duplication. The red LED above each port will light when an error on that card occurs.
The LCD display will show the different menu selections and also information pertaining to the
recording process. Here is a typical example of what is displayed during the COPY process:
Displays the function being performed, such as
Copying or Comparing
Shows the size
of the Master
Navigate through
the menu options
OK Accept the
menu item
ESC Exit from the
menu item
Displays the
completed percentage
Displays the
amount of
Shows how much data
has been copied
time passed
Main Menu Flowchart
Load Next Blank Cards,
Press OK
10% 0:53 367M
TOTAL: 11/0
Pass: 11
1. Copy
Fail: 0
Load Next Blank Cards,
Press OK
Compare 3669M
10% 0:53 367M
TOTAL: 11/0
Pass: 11
2. Compare
Fail: 0
Load Next Blank Cards,
Press OK
TOTAL: 11/0
Pass: 11
3. Copy & Compare
10% 0:53 367M
10% 0:53 367M
Fail: 0
[SLOT] Type Total Capacity
Format Capacity Used
4. Information
1. Card Info
Model Buffer Size
Firmware Version
2. System Info
Set to YES or NO
1. Measure Speed
5. Utility
Normal 100%
Strict 100%
Setup Range
2. Media Check
Pass: 11
3. Quick Erase
Pass: 11
4. Full Erase
Update Successful
Reading Update
5. System Update
6. Setup
Main Menu
There are 6 different Main Menu items for the Copywriter Flash Duplicator: Copy, Compare, Copy
& Compare, Information, Utility, and Setup. For the Setup options, please refer to page 9.
These instructions refer to using 11 USB recorder ports (available only in the USB 11 Flash
Duplicator), but the instructions will not differ when using any of the Copywriter Flash Duplicators.
Any Copywriter Flash Duplicator model will operate using any number of the available recorder
The Copy function is used to copy our master card to the blank cards. The steps taken will be
different if you are in Asynchronous or Synchronous duplication.
Asynchronous Duplication
The Copywriter Flash Duplicator will automatically copy Asynchronously if the source content
is less than the duplicator’s memory buffer size, which is displayed during boot-up. The
Analyze Source setting in the Setup menu must be set to ON to enable Asynchronous
Duplication (see page 10).
When the Analyze Source setting is ON and the source is
Reading: 124M
smaller than the duplicator’s buffer size, the source card
will first be read from the Reader port into the internal
memory. The internal memory contents will then be
compared to the source contents. Once the compare is complete, duplication will begin from
the internal memory to the target cards.
Once the source has been read into the internal memory and successfully compared, the
source card can be removed from the Reader port. You can then use the Reader port as a
Recorder port until a new master card needs to be duplicated.
While in Asynchronous mode, each blank flash card will be written to the moment the
duplicator recognizes the card. As each card finishes, the LED above that card will stop
flashing and can be removed and replaced. Once the new card is recognized, duplication to
that card will automatically begin.
The display will show you how many cards have been
successfully duplicated, how many have failed, and how
many are currently being duplicated.
Pass: 27
Fail: 0
Asyn Hold Time Setting
Since the Reader port will be usable as a recorder port once the source has been read and
confirmed in the duplicator’s internal memory, there is the risk that a new source card will be
placed in the Reader port while an Asynchronous duplication is in progress, which the
duplicator will then overwrite with the stored data.
The Asyn Hold Time setting will help prevent this from occurring (see page 10). This setting
allows you to specify the amount of time the duplicator will wait with no detected target cards
before exiting an Asynchronous duplication job.
Please note that all ports must be empty, not simply finished duplicating before this setting is
effective. Leaving the source card in the Reader port will also keep the duplicator in
Asynchronous duplication mode.
When there are no target cards detected, you will be
Wait Too Long
asked if you want to exit the Copy mode for the current
saved source data. Press the OK button to return to the
Main Menu, or ESC to continue with the same saved
source data .
Synchronous Duplication
If the entire source content cannot be stored in the memory buffer, Synchronous duplication
will be required.
Place your master card into the reader port and your blank
cards into the recorder ports.
Press the OK button on the controller interface. If all
recorder ports are filled, duplication will begin. If not, the display will show how many target
cards are in place; press OK again to begin duplication to the loaded target cards.
The data will now be copied to the blank cards.
TOTAL: 11/0
Pass: 11
When the job is completed, the green LED above the
recorder ports will show a steady green and the cards can
be removed.
Fail: 0
When each Synchronous duplication cycle completes, you must replace all cards and press
the OK button to restart duplication.
The Compare function is used to compare the master card with the copied cards. Like Copy,
Compare can be performed Asynchronously or Synchronously.
Place your master card into the reader port and your copied cards into the recorder ports.
Press the OK button on the controller interface.
duplicator will now compare the master and copied cards.
When completed, the display will read:
TOTAL: 11/0
Pass: 11
Fail: 0
Copy & Compare
The Copy and Compare function will perform both operations, one after the other. If the Copy
portion passes without errors, the system will automatically start the Compare process. Like
Copy, Copy & Compare can be performed Asynchronously or Synchronously.
Place your master card into the reader port and your blank cards into the recorder ports. Press
the OK button on the controller interface.
The duplicator will first copy the master card to the blank cards.
When the Copy completes, the unit will start the Compare process. If Asynchronous duplication
is being performed, the LED will blink quickly above each card as the Copy phase is in progress.
During the Compare phase, the LED will blink slowly.
When the job is completed, the totals will be provided.
The Information function displays information on each card placed in the card ports as well as the
System Information.
Card Info
Press the OK button and the card in the reader port is
USB 3858M
analyzed before the information is displayed. The top line
indicates the port, the type of card, and the total capacity
of the card. The second line indicates the format and the
used capacity of the card. Press the ▼▲ buttons to access each card port.
System Info
Firmware Version
Press the OK button to view the Controller model, the
Buffer size, and the Firmware version of the duplicator.
The Utility function is available for erasing inserted cards and updating the Duplicator firmware.
Measure Speed
The Measure Speed function can be turned on to measure the exact speed of the flash read
and write.
Media Check
This function checks the media quality, and can be set to 3 different levels: Normal 100%,
Strict 100%, and Setup Range. Regardless of the setting, if the check detects a read or write
error, the LED for that flash card will show red.
Normal 100% will use bit 0 to perform a write and read to examine the flash quality.
Strict 100% will use bits 0 and 1 to perform a write and read to examine the flash quality.
Setup Range allows you to specify the percentage of the flash media that gets checked. The
range can be set from 1% to 100%.
Quick Erase
This will perform a quick erase on any card inserted into any port, including the reader port.
Do not run the erase function with your master card in the duplicator.
Full Erase
This will perform a full erase on any card inserted into any port, including the reader port.
Do not run the erase function with your master card in the duplicator.
System Update
This will update the system firmware from the card in the Reader port. Do not attempt to
perform an update unless directed to by Technical Support.
Setup Menu Flowchart
This setting specifies which of the 6 Main
Menu items is the default that shows on
6. Setup
1. Start-up Menu
This setting can be set to
Only Data Area and Whole
2. Copy Area
3. Button Beep
Turn the Button Beep ON or OFF.
This setting determines how long the
system will wait before continuing or
exiting an Asynchronous duplication job.
4. Asyn Hold Time
Sets the tolerance percentage of source
and target flash capacity difference.
5. Ignore Size
This must be set to ON for
Asynchronous duplication.
6. Asynchronous
This setting specifies the
language displayed on the
7. Language
Setup Menu
The Setup function gives you access to some of the default settings used by the Copywriter Flash
Startup Menu
The Startup Menu selection allows you to select the main menu item that appears when the
Copywriter Flash Duplicator starts up. The default setting is 1. Copy. Main Menu items 1
through 6 can be selected.
Copy Area
Only Data Area
With the Copy Area setting selected as Only Data Area, the system will automatically
analyze the source flash card’s file format. If the file format is FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux (Ext2,
Ext3) file system which the duplicator recognizes then the system will only copy the content
data instead of copying the whole flash card including the empty space. For example a 2GB
flash card which is FAT32 file format and has only 50 MB of data inside, the system will only
copy that specific 50MB of data. Which will only take a few seconds to copy the source.
With the Copy Area setting selected as Whole Media, the system will copy the whole flash
card, including the empty space and format. This function is used when you have a flash
source which has an unknown file format and you don’t want the system to be confused by
such a format.
Button Beep
This setting allows you to turn ON or OFF the beep produced when the buttons are pressed.
The default setting is ON.
Asyn Hold Time
This setting allows you to specify the amount of time the duplicator will wait before exiting an
Asynchronous duplication job. If there are no target cards detected, then the duplication will
exit in that time period. Options are: OFF, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds,
40 seconds, 50 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes.
This setting has no effect on Synchronous duplication.
Ignore Size
This setting allows you to determine how closely the capacity of the target cards match the
capacity of the source card. Options are: NO IGNORE (cards must be the same capacity),
percentages ranging from 1% to 50%, or DON’T CARE (“Size doesn’t matter”).
This setting is intended for flexibility if the source card is a low-capacity card. Any attempt to
duplicate more data than the target card’s capacity will fail.
If this setting is ON and the source’s file format is one that can be analyzed, the source card
is read at the start of the copy process to determine the capacity of the data to be copied.
The amount of capacity duplicated will equal the size of the source data rather than the
capacity of the entire card. FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 file formats can be analyzed.
This setting must be set to ON for the Asynchronous Duplication to operate.
If your source is in a file format that can’t be analyzed, such as NTFS, this setting must be
OFF for duplication to occur.
If this setting is OFF, the entire capacity of the source card will be duplicated to the target
cards, resulting in longer duplication times.
Sets the language on the display. The default is English.
Troubleshooting and Frequently
Asked Questions
Is there any limitation for copy file format?
You can use "Only Data Area" to copy FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux (ext3) format, it will only copy
the data, and therefore the copy speed will be quicker.
If you want to copy other formats, it can use "Whole Area" to copy whole Flash; the format of
the flash will not be a considered.
How do I know the data is a true copy of the master?
The duplicator has CRC check capability and the ability to compare the copies to the master.
Why would the copied data fail during the compare when the data is
present on the copy?
The Flash chip maybe unstable, which may cause the duplication to pass but for the compare
to fail.
What should I do if I encounter a copy failure?
The issues may be either your source or your blank cards.
Make sure the source content size is not greater than the target content size. Use the
SD/USB/CF Info function to check the source/target flash content size and data size.
Use a PC to double check the source data.
If the Flash chip onto which you are copying the data is unstable, it will effect the copy
process. Use the Media Check function to verify the card’s stability.
Why does the copy speed seem slow?
The USB duplicator can reach 35MB/sec,but if you find the copy speed is slow it may be the
flash quality that is effecting the speed of the copy. You can use the Measure Speed function
to test the Flash real speed.
Dimensions, inches
(H x W x D)
7 x 7.5 x 11
7 x 7.5 x 11
11 x 7.5 x 17
10 lbs
11 lbs
17 lbs
Contact Information
For technical questions or support issues, please contact Microboards Technology technical
support at:
United States
PH: 952-556-1639
FAX: 952-556-1628
PH: +44 (0) 845 230 7800
PH: 03-3561-2266
Please have the Model and Serial Number of your Copywriter Flash Duplicator available when
contacting Technical Support.
Appendix 1: List of Functions
1 Copy
2 Compare
3 Copy & Compare
4 Information
4.1 Card Information
4.2 System Information
5 Utility
5.1 Quick Erase
5.2 Full Erase
5.3 System Update
6 Setup
6.1 Startup Menu
6.2 Analyze Source
6.3 Button Beep
6.4 Asyn Hold Time
6.5 Ignore Size
6.6 Language (default is English)
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